Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan recently expressed her frustration towards the paparazzi and media. After the paps filmed a video of new toys being delivered to her Bandra home, just days following an attack on her husband, Saif Ali Khan. She issued a stern warning, urging the media to respect their privacy, but deleted her post shortly after sharing it.
Kareena Kapoor Khan SLAMS media for privacy
On January 20, Kareena took to her Instagram story to re-post a video from a media portal that showcased toys arriving for her sons, Taimur and Jeh. The video was titled, “New toys arrive for Taimur and Jeh at their residence.”
In her reaction, Kareena lashed out at the paparazzi, stating, “Stop this now, have a heart… leave us alone for God’s sake.” It was accompanied by folded hands emoticons. However, this story is no longer available on her official Instagram account.
What happened to Saif Ali Khan?
Saif Ali Khan faced a serious incident when an intruder allegedly broke into their Bandra residence. It took place in the early hours of Thursday morning. Following a physical confrontation, the intruder stabbed Saif multiple times. He was quickly rushed to Lilavati Hospital around 3:30 AM. Dr. Niraj Uttamani, who treated him, confirmed that a part of the knife was successfully removed from near Saif’s spine. Fortunately, the actor is now on the road to recovery.
Saif’s Health Updates
At 54 years old, Saif was declared out of danger after undergoing emergency surgery at Lilavati Hospital. The incident occurred around 2:30 AM, and his son Ibrahim transported him to the hospital via auto, arriving at approximately 3 AM. Kareena and her sister-in-law, Karisma Kapoor, reached the hospital shortly after to support Saif during this difficult time.